DSR joins the Trust Over IP and Decentralized Identity Foundations
May 31st, 2023
The Trust Over IP Foundation is a group of companies with the shared vision of creating an interoperable architecture for decentralized digital trust. Making digital identity solutions interoperable will expand the market for these technologies as they become easier to use and integrate into daily life. The goal of ToIP is to promote the use of confidential and secure digital identity verification, including digital wallets and digital signatures. This is accomplished by bringing together leaders of the Trust over IP and digital identity spaces, which fosters knowledge sharing that leads to better solutions. DSR is thrilled to be joining the ToIP Foundation and looks forward to contributing our knowledge to development and expanding our expertise of the technology.
The Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) is a collective of companies with the goal of fostering a world where decentralized identity solutions enable entities to gain control over their identities and allow trusted interactions between parties. The DIF researches and develops the technical foundation of decentralized identity, with the goal of establishing global standards for its use. DSR will take this opportunity to share our expertise with decentralized ledgers and Self-Sovereign Identity and have already made significant contributions to the DIF standards. DSR helped to author DIDComm v2 and Peer DID standards in order to create more seamless and secure digital interactions.
DSR has always prioritized contributing to the collective development of technologies and standards across industries, as is evidenced by our nine industry affiliations, including memberships and extensive work in the Connectivity Standards Alliance and Hyperledger Foundation. We believe the knowledge transfer and shared development work between companies creates better solutions and helps to accelerate their entry into market by making them interoperable with digital ecosystems and easier for entities to adopt and use.
DSR looks forward to both sharing our identity expertise and learning from member companies in the Trust Over IP and Decentralized Identity Foundations to better our understanding of digital identity technologies.
DSR has been working with decentralized systems and Self-Sovereign Identity technologies for over 7 years. Our experience includes serving as a primary contributor to Hyperledger Indy, a ready-to-use Self-Sovereign Identity framework and platform, consisting of tools, libraries and components for providing independent digital identities rooted on a decentralized network. We also contributed to Hyperledger Aries, a set of interoperable specifications and RFCs, as well as multiple frameworks implementing these specifications. We believe that the decentralized web 3.0 world will give everyone more control over their data, increase security, bolster privacy regulations like GDPR and help support government initiatives for regulators and consumers alike, while delivering a better user experience. To learn more about DSR’s decentralized systems experience, please visit: https://en.dsr-corporation.com/capabilities#blockchain