Requirements for a Candidate

The vacancy I wanted no longer exists. Can you suggest another?

We are always happy to give you the right to choose. Describe your skills and experience as fully as possible - we will contact you.

I am a student, and I have to combine work with study. How can I work for you?

We understand you - we remember our students. We offer temporary part-time employment for the harmonious combination of study and work.

It seems to me that my skills do not meet the requirements of the vacancy. Does it make sense to send your resume and come to a technical interview?

You must try. New openings and requirements happen frequently. Send a resume and let the team have a chance to get to know you.

Employee Remuneration

Will my salary increase? What impacts the size of an increase?

There is a direct linear relationship between the level of development of your skills and salary. Every six months, we conduct certification to find out how you have grown as a professional. According to the results - increase remuneration.

Does the company have a bonus system?

Yes, such a system exists. Company employees receive additional bonuses for:

  • development of internal projects;
  • autonomous work on complex tasks;
  • combination of several roles within the team;
  • effective communication with the customer.

In addition, all employees receive an annual bonus.

What happens when I get sick?

The first 3 days of sick leave are paid by the company. From the fourth day onward a person on sick leave gets payed from social security fund - Contact your local Social Security Center to apply for a sick leave.

Does the company pay for medical insurance for its employees?

Company provides private medical insurance that covers dental and medical procedures.

Free Space for Comfortable Work

Who sets my work schedule?

You yourself - but in such a way that it is not to the detriment of your work, communication with colleagues and customers.

Is it possible to work remotely?

Yes, in some cases it is possible - for example, if for some reason you need to stay at home. However, in general, we believe that live communication is good, and we do not welcome a long-term absence in the office

What happens if I don’t like the project? Is it possible to change it?

If for some reason the current project does not suit you, you always have the opportunity to discuss the transition to another task. We listen to such requests.

If I don’t like something in work organization, are you ready to listen to criticism?

Reasonable criticism, is welcome. Feel free to present your rational suggestions. We are ready to use new tools to increase the efficiency of our work.

Is it possible to go on business trips?

The number of trips depends on the project and your role in the team. There are projects for which the client requires a monthly live presence of developers in the customer's location, there are projects that are carried out entirely in remote mode. However, in general, live communication always positively affects the dynamics of the project, so we willingly send our employees to our clients - to the USA, Europe, and Asia.

Do I need to adhere to a certain dress code?

No, provided that your style is not shocking colleagues :-)

What training opportunities exist within the company?

We have several formats:

  • seminars where we share our experience of participating in projects or discuss methods for solving specific problems;
  • accumulated knowledge base accessible to all employees;
  • for each new team member, we appoint a mentor from among experienced engineers who help with adaptations to the technologies and processes used within the company;
Can you participate in hackathons, any conferences, etc.?

If this does not negatively affect your activity in the company, we will support the initiative. In some cases, the company is even ready to take on the costs of such trips.

Is it possible to learn new technologies and work on the project in parallel?

Yes, if the project requires it, we always allocate time for learning new technologies or even programming languages.

What happens if I have difficulties with some technology?

Inside the company, we practice a mentoring institute, within which an experienced engineer is appointed for each new employee, helping to adapt to technologies and processes within the company.

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