
September 4th, 2018

September 4th, 2018

Migrating Legacy Systems

With IBC fast approaching, you are probably already considering that you’ll return from the show with a list of new features and requests from your existing customers and prospects. We know that not every company has the resource pool to handle the volume of software changes necessary to secure the desired orders, and DSR is here to help. With nearly 20 years of experience in helping vendors build software, we truly understand how to listen, define and manage projects, and implement solutions that work in the media & entertainment industry.

April 13th, 2016

April 13th, 2016

Modern Media and IP Video Systems: How to Choose the Best Formats and Technologies

Today there exist two standard ways of providing video content – “video on demand” and “live streaming.” “Video on demand” assumes that a client requests static media content from a server. “Live streaming,” means that media content is generated real-time and translated through a server to several clients. In addition, media consumers use multiple types of devices for both ways of video playback:...

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