LFDT Meetup: Next-Generation Privacy for Enterprise DLT

Renata Toktar
Lead Software Engineer, Web3
DSR is excited to share that Renata Toktar will be speaking at the upcoming Linux Foundation Belgium event.
Join Renata and fellow leaders from open-source communities, academia, and applied research to explore real-world applications of decentralized identity, zero-knowledge proofs, and privacy on the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Renata will open the program with - "Decentralized Identity: A Simple Way to Keep Your Privacy" — a practical look at SSI implementations, eIDAS 2.0, GDPR, and the protocols driving decentralized identity forward.
Also on the agenda:
Ruben De Smet (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) – Real-world Applications of Zero-knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
Shane Deconinck (Howest University Cyber3Lab) – Advancing EVM Privacy: An Introduction to LFDT Lab Paladin